Ways to quit smoking are very different. They have been tried by many people suffering from nicotine addiction. For some, the methods were successful, others could write a book "10 Ways to Quit Smoking Quickly" but still could not part with a cigarette. Getting rid of bad habits is not easy. Here is very important psychological attitude and strong desire of the smoker to get rid of it. It's worth starting with a psychological attitude.

Psychological motivation
Any effective way to quit smoking will be useless if the person is not motivated enough. Before you start fighting a bad habit, you need to determine for yourself why you want to do it. Motivations can be as follows:
- Fear of cancer and other pathologies
- The desire to have a healthy baby
- Anxiety for loved ones suffering from passive smoking
- An unpleasant smell of tobacco that impedes communication
- Spending money
- Taking care of your beauty
- Public opinion.
Motivation may not be one, but several. It is worth choosing the most effective or adjust these points according to the force of impact. For many people, the motivation is so strong that it is enough to get rid of nicotine addiction itself, without medication and psychotherapy. If this is not enough for you, you can continue in the following paragraphs. Determine the circumstances in which you are most attracted to smoking. It can be:
- The habit of crawling in the morning, immediately after sleep
- Waiting at traffic jams or at a transport stop
- stressful situations
- Vacations at work
- The desire for a cigarette in the company of smokers
- Vacation with alcohol
- Intensive mental work
- Positive or negative emotions.
Anyone who smokes can determine these situations for themselves. If you want to smoke in the morning, you can replace the cigarette with something else. For example, a piece of apple, a cup of fragrant tea, spend pleasant moments in the shower. It is even easier to cope with waiting in traffic jams, you have to walk more. During the break it is better to go out and take a walk. Try to be less in the company of smoking, do not drink alcohol. You can escape to the desert for a week, where there are no cigarettes and temptations. Some psychologists advise you to look deeper into the problem. After all, cravings for cigarettes can be a sign of depression or internal problems.
Author methods
Many psychologists, psychotherapists and narcologists offer their effective ways to quit smoking. The most famous of these is Alan Kara's book, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Based on the author's own experience, he helps people break the vicious circle of psychological addiction. This method is well tested, with its help about 25 million people quit smoking, many of them celebrities. The book is easy to find and download online. The main thing is to believe that you can quit smoking, as all other fans of the technique have done.
Another effective way to quit smoking is offered by a biophysicist. He organizes distance video training, uses correspondence and does it completely free of charge. The technique is based on finding the patient's true motive for cigarette addiction. If the cause is found, it is not so difficult to overcome it. One can benefit from another specialist's lectures, which are based on a detailed history of the risks of smoking and the benefits of quitting.
The psychotherapist uses in his courses the methods of suggestion, NLP, self-hypnosis. He believes that the human mind is "programmed" for a bad habit. To get rid of the habit, you need to change this program. The professor's follower improved the current methods. He included relaxing music in psychotherapy sessions, his lectures aimed more at supporting a person's motivation.
Medical methods
Medical methods to quit smoking can be divided into two groups. Some rely on the use of products that contain small doses of nicotine. They reduce physical dependence, relieve withdrawal symptoms. Other drugs are substances whose action competes with that of nicotine. Nicotine-containing drugs include:
- Suva.
- Lollipops.
- Chewing gum.
- Inhalers.
- Electronic cigarette.
The spots stick to the skin and release small doses of nicotine. This allows you to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke or quit smoking altogether. Approximately the same effect on lollipop and gum. The advantage of inhalers and electronic cigarettes is that they are shaped like real ones. Thus, the smoker experiences not only physical discomfort but also psychological stress of quitting smoking. These methods have their fans and opponents. Many argue that this is by far the best way to quit smoking. It is only possible to reduce the number of cigarettes, and not to abandon the bad habit forever.
The second group are relatively new drugs, the action of which is based on the pathogenesis of nicotine addiction.
The disadvantage of these drugs is a large number of contraindications and side effects. Only a doctor should prescribe them, choosing the best courses and doses for the patient. Alternatively, various dietary supplements, herbal preparations and homeopathic medicines are sometimes used. They, too, have proven themselves well as a way to quit smoking. But the fact is that without the removal of psychological addiction, no single medication helps. Even after taking them, many people return to the old habit.
Alternative Methods
Many people are obsessed with Eastern philosophy, alternative medicine and consider it quite effective. There are ways to quit smoking forever, based on the healing methods of the Ancient East. This includes:
- Acupuncture.
- Breathing exercises.
- Meditation.
- Hypnosis.
Acupuncture is an ancient healing technique based on the natural reflexes of the human body. There are exit points of nerve endings in the skin, when exposed to them, you can effectively deal with cigarettes and addiction to it. Similar techniques are used in modern neurology, they are called reflexology. So they have a certain rational grain.
Breathing exercises are a set of exercises practiced by Indian yogis. It is closely related to philosophy. With the help of altered breathing, you can adjust your brain to the right thoughts and feelings. Some believe this is the most effective way to quit smoking forever. But when you use it, the attitude and the belief that with the help of gymnastics you can part with a cigarette is very important. Meditation, one of the practices of Buddhist monks and Hindus, has a similar principle.
Hypnosis is not an oriental practice; it spread widely west in the last century. The method of suggestion is based on the fact that a person enters into an ecstasy. This condition helps to uncover his hidden subconscious problems, to inspire certain thoughts and attitudes. Not everyone is suitable for hypnosis, for this you need to have a certain mentality, sensitivity to someone else's suggestion. The percentage of such people in the total number is not so great.
Popular methods
It is important to remember that any quick way to quit smoking is not a guarantee that you will not start all over again. The most realistic and reliable method is to set yourself a clear goal, identify the reasons why you smoke and follow the chosen method exactly. Without motivation and deep introspection, the fight against a cigarette will not be on your side.
There are various popular ways to quit smoking. Most of them are based on taking various herbs and decoctions from them. There is also such a popular method as a plot, removing the evil eye and damage, but it is not for everyone. Let's dwell on a few recipes for herbal tea, which reduces the urge to smoke and is easily prepared at home. They are quite simple, do not require much time.
Oregano tea
This tea includes oregano, marshmallow root and mushroom leaves. Plants are taken in the following reports:
- Chopped marshmallow root - 2 parts.
- Mother and stepmother - 2 parts.
- Oregano - 1 part.
Mix everything, take from the total mass of 3 tablespoons, pour half a liter of boiling water, boil with steam in a thermos for 1-2 hours. They drink three times a day, or when the hand reaches for a cigarette.
Valerian soothing herbs
This tea calms the nerves, nervousness, relieves the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms while quitting smoking. It includes the following components:
- Chopped valerian root - 4 parts.
- Cumin seeds - 2 parts.
- Chamomile officinalis - 2 parts.
- Puppy hop - 2 parts.
Pour 2 tablespoons of this mixture with half a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour or two. It is necessary to drink before going to bed, from a glass. A similar effect has tea of the following composition:
- Chopped valerian root - 5 parts.
- Hours - 2. 5 parts.
- Peppermint - 2 parts.
The tea is prepared in the same way as the previous one, except that instead of two spoons of the collection they take three. Pour boiling water and drink a glass before bed.
Infusion with yarrow well removes the desire to drag a cigarette. After rinsing the mouth with this collection, the taste of tobacco becomes very unpleasant. Tea consists of the following ingredients:
- Wormwood - 5 parts.
- Licorice root - 2, 5 parts.
- Yarrow - 2, 5 parts.
A tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. You do not need to drink such tea, it is intended for rinsing the mouth. Grape leaf tea has a similar effect. For its preparation take:
- Black grape leaves - 2 parts.
- Oregano - 4 parts.
- Mint - 4 parts.
Three tablespoons of table collection pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water, insist an hour. After rinsing there is a pleasant freshness in the mouth. If you drag a cigarette, the taste becomes very bad. When you do not have the time or desire to make preparations, you can simply rinse your mouth with soda, eat a few mint leaves, chew calamus root, the effect will be almost the same.